Welcome to our Subscribers!

Thank you for becoming a member of Santa Barbara Records! You will find download links to our new album CaliAmericana below. Watch your email for a subscribers only newsletter containing information on upcoming events, music showcases and benefits specific to your subscription. When placing an order use code RPM20 for a 20% discount anytime you shop.

CaliAmericana Download Links

CaliAmericana MP3 ZIP / CaliAmericana WAV ZIP

We have three main components to making an impact on the creative economy — recorded music that exports the Santa Barbara sound to a global audience; providing free and open-source resources, strategic support and informational content that enable artists to be self-sustaining and successful; and locally made merchandise that supports our mission. We can’t do this alone, but we can do this together. Thank you for joining us and feel free to reach out anytime to our
GM Billy O’Connell at billy@santabarbararecords.com